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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * Node Store
 * @private
Ext.define('Ext.data.NodeStore', {
    extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
    alias: 'store.node',
    requires: ['Ext.data.NodeInterface'],

     * @property {Boolean} isNodeStore
     * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated NodeStore, or subclass thereof.
    isNodeStore: true,

     * @cfg {Ext.data.Model} node
     * The Record you want to bind this Store to. Note that
     * this record will be decorated with the Ext.data.NodeInterface if this is not the
     * case yet.
    node: null,

     * @cfg {Boolean} recursive
     * Set this to true if you want this NodeStore to represent
     * all the descendents of the node in its flat data collection. This is useful for
     * rendering a tree structure to a DataView and is being used internally by
     * the TreeView. Any records that are moved, removed, inserted or appended to the
     * node at any depth below the node this store is bound to will be automatically
     * updated in this Store's internal flat data structure.
    recursive: false,

     * @cfg {Boolean} rootVisible
     * False to not include the root node in this Stores collection.
    rootVisible: false,

     * @cfg {Ext.data.TreeStore} treeStore
     * The TreeStore that is used by this NodeStore's Ext.tree.View.

     * @protected
     * Recursion level counter. Incremented when expansion or collaping of a node is initiated,
     * including when nested nodes below the expanding/collapsing root begin expanding or collapsing.
     * This ensures that collapsestart, collapsecomplete, expandstart and expandcomplete only
     * fire on the top level node being collapsed/expanded.
     * Also, allows listeners to the `add` and `remove` events to know whether a collapse of expand is in progress.
    isExpandingOrCollapsing: 0,

    constructor: function(config) {
        var me = this,

        config = config || {};
        Ext.apply(me, config);

        if (Ext.isDefined(me.proxy)) {
            Ext.Error.raise("A NodeStore cannot be bound to a proxy. Instead bind it to a record " +
                            "decorated with the NodeInterface by setting the node config.");
        me.useModelWarning = false;

        config.proxy = {type: 'proxy'};

        node = me.node;
        if (node) {
            me.node = null;

    // NodeStores are never buffered or paged. They are loaded from the TreeStore to reflect all visible
    // nodes.
    // BufferedRenderer always asks for the *total* count, so this must return the count.
    getTotalCount: function() {
        return this.getCount();

    setNode: function(node) {
        var me = this;
        if (me.node && me.node != node) {
            // We want to unbind our listeners on the old node
            me.mun(me.node, {
                expand: me.onNodeExpand,
                collapse: me.onNodeCollapse,
                append: me.onNodeAppend,
                insert: me.onNodeInsert,
                bulkremove: me.onBulkRemove,
                remove: me.onNodeRemove,
                sort: me.onNodeSort,
                scope: me
            me.node = null;

        if (node) {
            if (me.rootVisible) {
            } else if (!node.isExpanded() && me.treeStore.autoLoad !== false) {

            me.mon(node, {
                expand: me.onNodeExpand,
                collapse: me.onNodeCollapse,
                append: me.onNodeAppend,
                insert: me.onNodeInsert,
                bulkremove: me.onBulkRemove,
                remove: me.onNodeRemove,
                sort: me.onNodeSort,
                scope: me
            me.node = node;
            if (node.isExpanded() && node.isLoaded()) {
                me.onNodeExpand(node, node.childNodes, true);
    onNodeSort: function(node, childNodes) {
        var me = this;

        if ((me.indexOf(node) !== -1 || (node === me.node && !me.rootVisible) && node.isExpanded())) {
            me.onNodeCollapse(node, childNodes, true);
            me.onNodeExpand(node, childNodes, true);

    // Triggered by a NodeInterface's bubbled "expand" event.
    onNodeExpand: function(parent, records, suppressEvent) {
        var me = this,
            insertIndex = me.indexOf(parent) + 1,
            toAdd = [];

        // Used by the TreeView to bracket recursive expand & collapse ops
        // and refresh the size. This is most effective when folder nodes are loaded,
        // and this method is able to recurse.
        if (!suppressEvent) {
            me.fireEvent('beforeexpand', parent, records, insertIndex);

        me.handleNodeExpand(parent, records, toAdd);

        // The add event from this insertion is handled by TreeView.onAdd.
        // That implementation calls parent and then ensures the previous sibling's joining lines are correct.
        // The datachanged event is relayed by the TreeStore. Internally, that's not used.
        me.insert(insertIndex, toAdd);

        // Triggers the TreeView's onExpand method which calls refreshSize,
        // and fires its afteritemexpand event
        if (!suppressEvent) {
            me.fireEvent('expand', parent, records);

    // Collects child nodes to remove into the passed toRemove array.
    // When available, all descendant nodes are pushed into that array using recursion.
    handleNodeExpand: function(parent, records, toAdd) {
        var me = this,
            ln = records ? records.length : 0,
            i, record;

        // recursive is hardcoded to true in TreeView.
        if (!me.recursive && parent !== me.node) {

        if (parent !== this.node && !me.isVisible(parent)) {

        if (ln) {
            // The view items corresponding to these are rendered.
            // Loop through and expand any of the non-leaf nodes which are expanded
            for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
                record = records[i];

                // Add to array being collected by recursion when child nodes are loaded.
                // Must be done here in loop so that child nodes are inserted into the stream in place
                // in recursive calls.

                if (record.isExpanded()) {
                    if (record.isLoaded()) {
                        // Take a shortcut - appends to toAdd array
                        me.handleNodeExpand(record, record.childNodes, toAdd);
                    else {
                        // Might be asynchronous if child nodes are not immediately available
                        record.set('expanded', false);
    // Triggered by NodeInterface's bubbled bulkremove event
    onBulkRemove: function(parent, childNodes, isMove) {
        this.onNodeCollapse(parent, childNodes, true);

    // Triggered by a NodeInterface's bubbled "collapse" event.
    onNodeCollapse: function(parent, records, suppressEvent, callback, scope) {
        var me = this,
            collapseIndex = me.indexOf(parent) + 1,
            node, lastNodeIndexPlus, sibling, found;

        if (!me.recursive && parent !== me.node) {

        // Used by the TreeView to bracket recursive expand & collapse ops.
        // The TreeViewsets up the animWrap object if we are animating.
        // It also caches the collapse callback to call when it receives the
        // end collapse event. See below.
        if (!suppressEvent) {
            me.fireEvent('beforecollapse', parent, records, collapseIndex, callback, scope);

        // Only attempt to remove the records if they are there.
        // Collapsing an ancestor node *immediately removes from the view, ALL its descendant nodes at all levels*.
        // But if the collapse was recursive, all descendant root nodes will still fire their
        // events. But we must ignore those events here - we have nothing to do.
        if (records.length && me.data.contains(records[0])) {
            // Calculate the index *one beyond* the last node we are going to remove
            // Need to loop up the tree to find the nearest view sibling, since it could
            // exist at some level above the current node.
            node = parent;
            while (node.parentNode) {
                sibling = node.nextSibling;
                if (sibling) {
                    found = true;
                    lastNodeIndexPlus = me.indexOf(sibling); 
                } else {
                    node = node.parentNode;
            if (!found) {
                lastNodeIndexPlus = me.getCount();

            // Remove the whole collapsed node set.
            me.removeAt(collapseIndex, lastNodeIndexPlus - collapseIndex);

        // Triggers the TreeView's onCollapse method which calls refreshSize,
        // and fires its afteritecollapse event
        if (!suppressEvent) {
            me.fireEvent('collapse', parent, records, collapseIndex);

    onNodeAppend: function(parent, node, index) {
        var me = this,
            refNode, sibling;

        // Only react to a node append if it is to a node which is expanded, and is part of a tree
        if (me.isVisible(node)) {
            if (index === 0) {
                refNode = parent;
            } else {
                sibling = node.previousSibling;
                while (sibling.isExpanded() && sibling.lastChild) {
                    sibling = sibling.lastChild;
                refNode = sibling;
            me.insert(me.indexOf(refNode) + 1, node);
            if (!node.isLeaf() && node.isExpanded()) {
                if (node.isLoaded()) {
                    // Take a shortcut
                    me.onNodeExpand(node, node.childNodes, true);
                } else if (!me.treeStore.fillCount ) {
                    // If the node has been marked as expanded, it means the children
                    // should be provided as part of the raw data. If we're filling the nodes,
                    // the children may not have been loaded yet, so only do this if we're
                    // not in the middle of populating the nodes.
                    node.set('expanded', false);

    onNodeInsert: function(parent, node, refNode) {
        var me = this,
            index = this.indexOf(refNode);

        if (index != -1 && me.isVisible(node)) {
            me.insert(index, node);
            if (!node.isLeaf() && node.isExpanded()) {
                if (node.isLoaded()) {
                    // Take a shortcut
                    me.onNodeExpand(node, node.childNodes, true);
                else {
                    node.set('expanded', false);

    onNodeRemove: function(parent, node, isMove) {
        var me = this;
        if (me.indexOf(node) != -1) {

            // If the removed node is a non-leaf and is expanded, use the onCollapse method to get rid
            // of all descendants at any level.
            if (!node.isLeaf() && node.isExpanded()) {

                // onCollapse expects to be able to use the "collapsing" node's parentNode
                // and nextSibling pointers so temporarily reinstate them.
                // Reinstating them is safe because we pass the suppressEvents flag, and no user code
                // is executed.
                node.parentNode = node.removeContext.parentNode;
                node.nextSibling = node.removeContext.nextSibling;
                me.onNodeCollapse(node, node.childNodes, true);
                node.parentNode = node.nextSibling = null;

    isVisible: function(node) {
        var parent = node.parentNode;
        while (parent) {
            // Hit root and it is expanded, the node is visible
            if (parent === this.node && parent.data.expanded) {
                return true;

            // Hit a collapsed ancestor, the node is not visible
            if (!parent.data.expanded) {
                return false;

            parent = parent.parentNode;
        // Walked off the top - the node is not part of the tree structure
        return false;